Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Flooding at Louisville Library

Waterlogged library books were strewn across the lower level of Louisville’s main library on Tuesday after a thunderstorm soaked downtown and flooded parts of the city. Libary Director Craig Buthod says computers and “tens of thousands of books” have been lost to the water damage. He says three bookmobiles, staff vehicles and even his car were under water in the underground parking garage.Mayor Jerry Abramson says the damage will likely exceed $1 million in the downtown library.The director estimates at least three feet of standing water was inside the lower level Tuesday afternoon. Along with the lost books, several computers that were headed to a new library branch were ruined.

Buthod said the library's Web site is down and that notice will be provided through the media when the Main Library and the closed branches will reopen.

He said people who want to donate to help pay for the damage can mail checks to: The Library Foundation, 301 York St., Louisville, KY 40203, Attn: Flood. Or they can call, 574-1709 for information.


Mary Cunningham said...

So sad to see all the destruction. Amazing amount of rain fell in an hour. I can only imagine how long it will take for the cleanup.

Hope everyone pitches in and donates books.


tkread said...

Wow! The picture sure tells the sad story here. I can't imagine how you begin to "replace" all of that, but if you can afford to donate a book or some bucks, please do.

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